About us

The Best 30 Years is a DCM Group production. The DCM Group exists to promote better information and discussion on all aspects of positive ageing.

Over 1.7 million older Australians and their families search villages.com.au and agedcare101.com.au each year to learn more and achieve better outcomes for themselves and their families.

Jill Donaldson

Co-founder DCM

Jill is a physiotherapist who has worked 15 years in residential aged care across metropolitan and regional locations.

Jill is passionate about moderate exercise delivering significant positive outcomes at all ages.

Christopher Baynes

Co-founder DCM

Christopher is a writer and media commentator on the ageing journey, championing the importance of information, discussion and planning to achieve better ageing outcomes.

He has been internationally recognised for his commitment to volunteering and community.

Gretel Killeen

Director / Executive Producer Concept Creator / Writer - The Best Thirty Years

Gretel Killeen is a bestselling author, host of award winning TV and award winning comedy writer. She led the concept development, script development and final production Of the Best 30 Years.

Contact us

For more information on The Best 30 Years or commentary, please fill out the form to the right, or contact us at info@docomemonday.com.au.

DCM Group: ‘Waterside Wharf Workshop’, 37 Nicholson Street Balmain East 2041.