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Welcome to The Best 30 Years

We designed five programs for both ageing Australians and their families to learn and discuss what it is to age all the way up to 100+, and what accommodation and services exist to support you to achieve your best 30 years

We interviewed over 80 older Australians on their journeys across 22 locations, between Hervey Bay in Queensland and St Kilda in Melbourne, plus over 20 ageing experts. We thank them for their participation.

We are and Our role is to support you to achieve your Best 30 years with better information for better outcomes.

Episode One reviews the ageing journey, and ‘the why’ we all need to discuss, plan and act for far better outcomes.

Episodes Two and Three look at land lease communities and retirement villages, why they exist and why hundreds of thousands of people buy into these models.

Episodes Four and Five discuss home care and support, and finally residential aged care.

Your complete Over 55s & Retirement Living accommodation directory & resource.

Your complete directory of home support and residential care.

Episode FIVE

Later life and with it the prospect of loss of independence. We discuss residential care from the individual and the family points of view.

In this final episode we discuss our later years and the confronting issues of loss of independence for ourselves, the impact on families and the very positive role that residential aged care can provide.

These are important conversations and issues to navigate about where to live and when to make a change to safer, more supportive accommodation. We discuss what to expect, finances, documentation and even mortality, and why they need to be on the table for discussion now.

It is best to have these conversations early to avoid what can easily become extremely difficult emotional, financial and family situations.

Episode Five - Clips

Episode FOUR

How to stay independent at home with the support of home care and assisted living services.

Staying in control of our lives and independent living in our own home is what we all want as we age.

If we plan ahead and take action, we can create a safer and easier home to live in for longer, plus there are government and privately funded services available that can be tailored to our specific needs.

In this episode we explore why a range of services exist and how that can support you to live your best life at home.

Episode Four - Clips

Mental health, frailty, staying positive, staying independent at home, with home support services.

How to apply for home support and care, what to expect and hear from others and their experience.

Loneliness at home and dementia are two challenges that can be addressed with planning and action.

Actions that you can take to make every day a better day.

Episode Three

Planning your ageing journey to overcome isolation, plus retirement villages explained.

Discussion and planning your financial and legal affairs will deliver more options and better outcomes.

With expectations of up to 30 years in retirement, there are stresses and even depression, especially amongst men. Achieving a sense of control and taking action to keep your body young and mentally alert is possible.

We review retirement villages, why they are popular and the different models that are available in more than 2,000 locations across Australia.

Episode Three - Clips

Money, legals, more about isolation and a sense of belonging in retirement villages.

The mental and physical stresses of ageing, particularly with men, plus retirement villages delivering community.

Achieving control of one’s life, the importance of discussions with family and keeping young.

Summing up, advice on how to enjoy life, including older people and passion.

Episode Two

Why downsize, and discovering community in land lease communities

Financial fears, isolation from family and loneliness can each impact our happiness.

In this episode we explore these very real issues and introduce land lease communities, an increasingly popular downsizing option that is supporting older Australians build a wonderful ageing journey.

Experts explain why we all need community around us and the checkpoints to avoid mistakes and help you make the right decisions.

Episode Two - Clips

Loneliness is a danger of ageing. What to look for and how to respond.

What are land lease communities and why are they so popular? Location and government subsidies.

A good life includes a sense of purpose and friends, a sense of community. Take action now.

How planning your ageing journey will make the difference and create great outcomes.

Episode One

The ageing journey from 50 to 100+.

For individuals and families. Many of us are in denial of ageing and avoid conversations with ourselves and our family. 

In this episode we open up this ageing conversation for all. Retirement, purpose, isolation, regrets and optimism, all real and all capable of being improved.

Episode One - Clips

How old is old in Australia? What is a typical ageing journey for husbands and wives. Fears, isolation, planning and better outcomes.

The importance of planning and the financial and legal advice we should all engage with.

What are the early and easy steps we should all take to create our Best 30 years.

Tips on topics for you to start thinking about discussing with your family and support group.